
Odds Of Flopping Quads

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The following Texas Holdem odds table highlights some common probabilities that you may encounter in Hold'em. It is not vital that you learn these probabilities, but it is useful to be aware of the chances of certain situations arising.

  1. Odds Of Flopping Quads In Omaha
  2. Odds Of Flopping Quads With One Card
  1. Any two cards with rank at least jack. Any two cards with rank at least 10. Connected cards (cards of consecutive rank) 0.157.
  2. Jan 13, 2021 Although an ace flopping is not automatically a death sentence, it's never a good sign. Related Reading: Poker Trouble Spots: How to Play KK in Early Position; Pocket Queens and Jacks. Queens and jacks are right in the middle - below the big pairs and above the marginal pairs. These hands can be some of the trickiest to play.
  3. Sep 08, 2020 If you’re holding a pocket pair the probability of flopping quads (four of a kind) is 0.24%. The odds are 1: 407 – very unlikely. If you have a pocket pair there are 50 cards left in deck. The flop needs to contain the two other cards matching the rank of your pair and one of 48 other random cards.
  4. Feb 27, 2021 Combined Odds of Flopping Something worth C-Betting. Ventrolloquist February 25th, 2021 11:56 AM by ventrolloquist 2: 149: The Ten Biggest Keys to Winning at Poker (Day 30 Course Discussion) (1 2).

Texas Hold'em odds chart.


Flopping a straight is one of the best feelings in poker. Make sure you win the maximum. 8 Rules to Help You Choose the Perfect Bet Size Everything you need to know about choosing the correct bet size in No-Limit Hold’em. How to Play Flopped Sets in 8 Common Situations Win as much as possible whenever you flop a set with these eight strategies.

SituationPercentage OddsRatio Odds
Preflop Probabilities:
Dealt AA.0.45%220 to 1
Dealt AK.1.2%82 to 1
Dealt AKs.0.3%331 to 1
Dealt 72o.0.9%109 to 1
Being dealt AA vs. KK (heads up).0.004%22,559 to 1
Dealt a pocket pair.6%16 to 1
Dealt suited connectors.4%24 to 1
Flop Probabilities:
Flopping a pair.32.4%2.2 to 1
Flopping a set (with pockets).11.8%7.5 to 1
Paired Board:
2 players, probability of trips.17%4.8 to 1
3 players, probability of trips.26%3 to 1
4 players, probability of trips.34%2 to 1
5 players, probability of trips.43%1.4 to 1
Odds Of Flopping Quads

How to use Texas Hold'em odds.

Odds Of Flopping Quads In Omaha

The odds in this Texas Hold'em odds table are unlikely to directly help your overall strategy, but they are pretty interesting nonetheless. The Texas Hold'em odds for each of the different situations have been given in both percentage and ratio odds, so use whichever format you feel comfortable with.

Other poker odds charts.

For more useful odds charts that you can use for when you are working out whether or not to call when on a drawing hand, use the following tables:

Both of these tables give the odds for completing your draw depending on how many outs you have. You can find out more on how to work out odds and all that mathematical stuff in the article on pot odds.

Go back to the poker odds charts.

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Odds Of Flopping Quads With One Card

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telica said 'yeah unlikely to work when he is holding QQ cause ...' about POTENTIAL_24's saved hand 'Eridanus VI hand 2' PLO.
27kristof27 replied 'zoom is the new cash game on pokerstars, the equiv...' on their saved hand 'An absolute BOOM hand!!!!! WOOP!!!' H/E.
telica said 'what's zoom? some new online poker site? lol class...' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'An absolute BOOM hand!!!!! WOOP!!!' H/E.
telica replied 'flopping nut nut with nut flush redraw, betting ma...' on their saved hand 'biggie' PLO8.
telica said 'pretty hard to get out of an open ended straight f...' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'what would you do in this spot?' H/E.
telica said 'pretty bad ay' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'cash beat, flop straight, and gut straight flush, ofc' H/E.
telica said 'how'd you end up going in the tourney?' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'nice 61k pot with quads' H/E.
telica said 'that sucks bro!' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!' H/E.
telica said 'classic, yeah that is really rare, don't think ive...' about 27kristof27's saved hand 'RAREST HAND I'VE EVER SEEN' H/E.
telica said 'not much.' about bryward's saved hand 'what can you do' PLO.