
How To Beat Bad Poker Players

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Everything is magnified when you play online poker heads-up at PokerStars. If you are up against a player better than you it will be more difficult to record a win than if you were playing on a full ring table. However, if you are lucky enough to find yourself in a heads-up match where you have a significant skill edge then your probability of winning is higher than ever. Once you find yourself in a situation like this it’s crucial that you make the most of it. Here are some useful tactics for dealing with a weaker opponent heads-up, whatever their style of play…

Since bad players play too many hands, you can safely assume that most of their hands they hold are weak. So to beat them you need to play more hands yourself (don’t overdo it though), and be sure. How to Beat Bad Poker Players & Win More Observe Their Gameplay & Tendencies. The most important thing is to observe the gameplay pattern and the tendencies of. Improvise Your Strategies Based On Their Tendencies. Once you can spot the weak opponents and make a.

Passive, calling stations

This is the most common style of weaker player, and the easiest to play against. They can be characterised by calling bets far too frequently (often with weak hands), and by a tendency to only be aggressive when they have the nuts themselves. There are two main methods we can use to ensure that we come out on top in these heads-up battles.

The first strategy you must use is to make frequent value bets whenever you feel you have the best hand. If a player is suspicious and calling down too much – even when they sometimes have little more than a high card – they must be punished! You don’t have much to fear against these players; they aren’t ever going to bluff-raise you so you can bet away with confidence whenever you have something, even if it’s nowhere near to the nuts. Occasionally you will be called with a better hand (and kick yourself that you bet in the first place!) but in the vast majority of occasions this type of weaker opponent will either fold or call with a worse hand. You can then ship the inflated pot and enjoy their chips as you wish!

The second strategy to use is quite an obvious one; don’t bluff. When you have deduced that a player doesn’t like to fold it would be madness to go against that read and start bluffing. It just won’t work. If you do bluff then your opponent’s major weakness – calling too much – will actually start to work in their favour instead. Following this advice can be quite frustrating because if you are getting dealt bad hand after bad hand then there is little you can do to win. Changing strategies and attempting regular bluffs might be a good idea against a strong, thinking opponent – but in this situation you’re very likely just to lose more money or chips. Have some patience and wait for the cards to fall in your favour. When they finally do you will more than make up for those small pots you lost in the meantime.

Aggressive maniacs

The other main type of weak player you will encounter heads-up is the aggressive maniac. These are undoubtedly tougher to play against than calling stations but they are still highly beatable as long as you are prepared to take some risks.

Aggression is definitely a valuable skill to have in your poker game but it only works when used in the right places. Strong players will know when to put the pressure on and steal pots they don’t deserve whereas weaker players will be aggressive too often when their bluff doesn’t make sense. The best counter-strategy to use versus these players is to revert to a passive game and let them bluff. Check on the river a lot with your strong hands in an attempt to induce them to pile chips into the middle…and when they do make sure that you call!

This strategy is easy to follow when you have a good hand but more difficult when you something average, such as middle pair. It’s worth sticking to your guns and calling a lot anyway, even if doing will raise your stress levels! When an opponent is bluffing all the time it’s important to play policeman and call them down.

The good news is that players like this will rarely adjust their strategy, even when it appears not to be working. Keep doing the same thing over and over again until you find a reason not to. Heads-up poker against these two very different types of weaker players is so easy precisely because you are not required to constantly alter your strategy. Once you have worked out your opponent is a weak player (and in what way) just apply the relevant strategy listed above and keep pounding on them. It’s one of the more sure fire ways to consistently win at online poker on PokerStars.

Bad players make mistakes, and from these mistakes we profit. These players play regardless of position or raises in front of them, and literally feed the online community. You should only be so happy that they play so poorly and take advantage of them. Bad players come in all forms when playing poker regardless of whether you play live or online. People suck people out on one outer’s more often than not simply because they have yet to grasp the game or cease to improve.

Beating Bad Players over the Long Haul

Poker is all about variance, and winning players understand this. Just because you got rolled with a 10-6 off suit against your pocket Q’s does not mean you’ve lost entirely. Your goal is to beat the game over the long haul and to do this you need to determine your win rate over an extended period of time, rather than a short session or a single hand for that matter. Suppose you raise 4 x BB with your Q’s and your opponent calls. The flop shows Q-6-10 and you bet only to have your opponent re-raise all-in. Of course you should call, and suppose in this instance he rivers an 6. The likely hood of that particular hand completing in the same way again, compared to you winning with your set, is minimal at best. In fact he only has a 17% probability of completing his hand from the flop to the river, which means out of 100 hands you will win 83% of the time. Beating bad players is all about being objective, and understanding that correct decisions such as understanding your pot odds, position, implied odds and other strategic plays will reward you with profit on a long term basis.

Reverting to Anger when Beat by a Bad Player

How To Beat Bad Poker Players Game

The only thing your anger will do is either force the player to play better, or make them leave the table. What will that accomplish? Nothing – other than another player taking his seat. Why on earth would you want someone who you can beat, leave the table? These players should be considered your personal ATM. They will donk off their bankroll in a matter of hours, only to have to redeposit again. Often times you’ll find an entire table making fun, or being completely antagonistic towards the bad player. This is unfortunate and probably one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Sure, losing a big pot to a weak hand that shouldn’t have been played in the first place stinks, but it happens. If you know your opponent is calling too many flops, playing marginal hands regardless of the raises ahead of them or just playing out of position you can adjust your game accordingly. Once you do, you can easily profit from their mistakes so long as you keep your head in the game and don’t let the bad plays get the best of you.

Bad Beats Poker Youtube

Tips for Beating Bad Poker Players

How To Beat Bad Poker Players

Below are some basic suggestions and tips to beat bad players from each position.

Early Position -·Bet with pockets and play Aces with caution as bad players will often play A low and call to catch second pair.


Middle Position – ·Raise pocket pairs and cbet the flop unless an Ace hits the board. Fold any suited one gapers such as 9sJs

HowHow To Beat Bad Poker Players

How To Beat Bad Poker Players Online

Late Position – ·Raise pockets only if 3 or less people limped before and follow up cbet. When raising in late position ensure that the raise is at least 3BB’s so the BB does not have the correct odds to call you. Raise with suited connectors if opponents limped .

Bad Poker Beats

Just remember, the more mistakes your opponents make the more money they will likely lose. Rarely do they win, and if they do it’s likely they’ll be donating to the table again in a few hands or the next session. Your best bet is to keep an eye open for these players, and once you’ve found one, tag them so you’ll be able to find and profit from them again at a later date.